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CityVille Wiki
12x12 Expansion
12x12 Expansion-icon
Image © Zynga
Requirements:Zoning Permits
Cost:Coins-icon 20000 Coins

For more information, see also Expansions.

12x12 Expansion is an upgrade available in the Build Menu that cost Coins-icon 20,000 Coins (or at discounted prices), requires a certain amount of Zoning Permits and is available as of Level 15. Every time you buy an expansion, you will need more permits, up to your 25th expansion; after which you will only need 40 permits for every subsequent expansion.

Originally, each expansion cost Coins-icon 20,000 Coins initially and gradually increases in price with each expansion while the required permits remained at 40. As of March 31, 2011[1], the population requirement is enforced and the monetary cost of each player's next expansion has been reset to 20,000.

Example: Expansion for 5880 population costs 20 permits and 20k coins or 50 cash.

The population requirement for your next expansion is always 1000+ more than your population level at the time of your last expansion. Essentially, each expansion can give room for as much as 11700 new population (achieved by adding 9 Parkside Villas without road access), so it is definitely possible to build population fast enough to allow continued expansions. An increase of 1000 population can be achieved for a lot less money by building 8 Spring Bungalows, but they will use up a much larger area given by the expansion, especially if road access is provided. [NOTE]: With the implementation of Neighborhoods, more housing and population can fit within each expansion.

Population Requirement[]

The population requirement is currently Population-icon 5000 Population. It is 5000 from the population you had at the time of your last expansion.

Tip: Store extra housing in the warehouse before expanding.


Designated Areas[]

For these goals, you need to expand to specific areas. If you have already expanded to these areas, the task will automatically be checked off.


Announcement regrade


  1. Release Notes 3/31/11 - Official Forums