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CityVille Wiki
A Happy Medium
A Happy Medium-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 55
Release DateJanuary 24, 2012
DescriptionThe first thing we need to do is get a bunch of News Reels to play over the new Television Network!
Mission fromSamantha 2-icon Sam
News Reel-iconCollect 15 News Reels
(Cash-icon 45 Cash)
Increase population iconIncrease Population by 2,000
(Cash-icon 40 Cash)
Collect from businesses 03Collect from 60 Businesses
(Cash-icon 90 Cash)
XPXP-icon 300 XP
EnergyEnergy-icon 5 Energy
Goal Completion
DescriptionIt seems like the medium of television is going to make your citizens and the rest of the world very happy!
Ready For Primetime!-icon Ready For Primetime! A Happy Medium-icon A Happy Medium Can You Hear Me Now?!-icon Can You Hear Me Now?!

A Happy Medium is a normal City goal in CityVille.

Sam says: "Let's make your city the worldwide leader in telecommunications! Come on, let's spread the news!"

Announce metropolis

Tip: Storing housing in the Warehouse before the goal and placing them back in your city will count towards the task.


Feed metropolis City is breaking the news about its new Television Network!

Player found the new Television Network while channel surfing. They also found the new Surfing Channel while channel surfing, which blew their mind.
