CityVille Wiki
A Hot Commodity!
A Hot Commodity!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 47
DescriptionBuild Lava Rock Island today to increase both population and max population, as well as earn energy every time you collect from the Volcano!
Mission fromSamantha 2-icon Sam
Build volcano iconCollect Lava Rock Island parts 10x5
Place volcano iconPlace Lava Rock Island
A Hot Commodity!-iconCollect from the Volcano 8 times
ItemZoning Permit-doober 2 Zoning Permit
Energy-icon 3 Energy
Goal Completion
DescriptionYour citizens are fired up about the new Volcano and Lava Rock Island!

A Hot Commodity! is a goal in CityVille. It allows the player to build their first Lava Rock Island for free.

Announce volcanokeys 451


Lava Rock Island-feed City is fired up about its new Volcano and Lava Rock Island!

Player visited Volcano Island today. They wore tennis shoes and workout clothes on their trip because they heard that the volcano was very active.
