CityVille Wiki
CityVille Wiki
A Thing Of Beauty!
A Thing Of Beauty!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 50
Release DateAugust 28, 2012
DescriptionSo let's get on track and develop your city's natural beauty so that your citizens can enjoy it together!
Mission fromRanger Sam-icon Ranger Sam
Viral natlwondereldquest track 64x64Ask friends for 15 Animal Tracks
(Cash-icon 45 Cash)
Post Cards-iconCollect 12 Post Cards from Natural Wonder Buildings
(Cash-icon 48 Cash)
Vesuvius0 iconPlace a Natural Wonder
CoinsCoins-icon 50,000 Coins
ItemZoning Permit-doober 3x Zoning Permits
Goal Completion
DescriptionWow, you really have great instincts when it comes to finding the natural beauty in your city!
Coins ShareCoins-icon 250 Coins
A Thing Of Beauty!-icon A Thing Of Beauty! Wonderful News!-icon Wonderful News!

A Thing Of Beauty!, also known as On The Right Track!, is a Downtown and normal City goal in CityVille.

Ranger Sam says: "With the rapid expansion of your city and its continued development, it can be easy to forget all its natural beauty!"


Feed natural wonder elder City is really a thing of beauty!

Player spent the day looking for animal tracks in their city but was disappointed to only find a huge humanlike footprint. I guess Bigfoot isn't a big deal to them.
