CityVille Wiki
Alps Expansion Saga!
Alps Expansion Saga!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 15
Release DateMarch 25, 2013
DescriptionWelcome to the Alps! Expand your railway through the gorge and send tourist trains to your new alpine outpost! Get the Jungfrau Wonder, an EXCLUSIVE REWARD which provides awesome bonus payouts to nearby buildings!
Mission fromSamantha 2-icon Sam
Act 1: Gorge Crossing
Act 2: Tourist Train
Act 3: Alpine Achievement
ItemJungfrau Wonder-icon Jungfrau Wonder
Goal Completion
DescriptionCongratulations! You've completed the Alps Saga and earned the Jungfrau Wonder! You're an Alpine Master!
XP ShareXP-icon 100 XP
Goods ShareGoods-icon 200 Goods

The Alps Expansion Saga! is a goal saga in CityVille that requires the completion of 9 goals to earn the grand prize of the Jungfrau Wonder.

Completing Act 1-3 will reward Goods-icon 200 Goods to 5 other players via the Wall Post. Likewise, completing the Saga will reward XP-icon 100 XP.

Act 1: Gorge Crossing[]

Reward: Alps Cottage
Alps Cottage-icon

Picture This!-icon Picture This! Gorge-ous-icon Gorge-ous Alpine Training-icon Alpine Training
Coins-icon 50,000 Coins
Zoning Permit-doober 3x Zoning Permits
Goods-icon 2,000 Goods
Zoning Permit-doober 7x Zoning Permits
XP-icon 500 XP
Bonus Crew-icon 5x Bonus Crew
Great job completing the Gorge Railway! Now you're on your way to expanding into the Alps!


Alps rediscover 00 City is going to the Alps!

Player has completed the first phase of their Alps saga, building a railway through the gorge! Join them in the mountains!

Act 2: Tourist Train[]

Reward: Cheese Fondue Restaurant
Cheese Fondue Restaurant-icon

Edelweiss, Edelweiss-icon Edelweiss, Edelweiss Alpine Tourism-icon Alpine Tourism Four Thousand Photos-icon Four Thousand Photos
Coins-icon 50,000 Coins
Zoning Permit-doober 3x Zoning Permits
Goods-icon 2,000 Goods
Zoning Permit-doober 7x Zoning Permits
XP-icon 500 XP
Bonus Crew-icon 5x Bonus Crew
With your upgraded train station and growing Alps businesses, your Alpine vacation resort is really coming along!


Alps attract tourist 00 City is expanding in the Alps!

Player has completed the second phase of their Alps saga, upgrading their railway! Join them in the mountains!

Act 3: Alpine Achievement[]

Reward: Gliding Equipment Store
Gliding Equipment Store-icon
Alpine Shredding-icon Alpine Shredding Wildlife Protection-icon Wildlife Protection Alpine Adventures-icon Alpine Adventures
Coins-icon 50,000 Coins
Zoning Permit-doober 3x Zoning Permits
Goods-icon 2,000 Goods
Zoning Permit-doober 7x Zoning Permits
XP-icon 500 XP
Bonus Crew-icon 5x Bonus Crew
You've done awesome work building and expanding to the Alps! I think we're here to stay!


Feed quest complete generic City is doing business in the Alps!

Player has completed the last stage of their Alps saga, building businesses and preserving wildlife! Join them in the mountains!

Completion Share[]

Alps saga City has completed its Alps Expansion!

Player's expansion saga to the Alps is finally complete! Now they're building on a whole new altitude! Join them in the mountains today!
