CityVille Wiki
Alps Station
Alps Station-icon
Image © Zynga
Construction:Energy-icon 0 Energy
Completion:Signal Lights-viral 12x Signal Lights
Rail Track-viral 14x Rail Track
Tourist Platform-viral 16x Tourist Platform
Schedule Board-viral 18x Schedule Board
Ticket Punch-viral 20x Ticket Punch
Tourist Train Ticket-icon 50x Tourist Train Ticket
Allows: Population-icon 0 Population

The Alps Station is a 10x4 Alps Community building in CityVille.

It is available for free as part of the Alps Expansion and takes Energy-icon 0 Energy to build. It requires six different materials to be collected to finish. Each item can only be asked for one at a time and in the order shown. Players may, however, obtain items that are requested via Wall Posts at any time from their friends posts. Once built, it will not allow any extra Population, but will allow players to travel to the Alps from the Home World, and vice versa.

Completing this will reward the player with Coins-icon 30,000 Coins, Goods-icon 2,000 Goods, XP-icon 300 XP, Energy-icon 10 Energy, and Zoning Permit-doober 15 Zoning Permits

This cannot be moved, deleted, or stored.

Direction SW Direction SE
Alps Station-SW Alps Station-SE