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CityVille Wiki
Alps Village Mystery Building
Alps Village Mystery Building-icon
Image © Zynga
Viral Information
Type:Wall Post
Reset Time:4 Hours
Expiration Time:48 Hours
Host Reward:Alps Village Mystery Building-icon Alps Village Mystery Building
(Max: 1)
Help Reward:Alps Village Mystery Building-icon Alps Village Mystery Building
(Max: 1)

The Alps Village Mystery Building is an item needed to complete the collection of buildingss for the Alps Village Center. Requests may be made once every 4 hours and will only give you one Mystery Building. You can get more any time you want by clicking the symbol above the Alps Village Center and paying Energy-icon 3 Energy. Mystery Building boxes are listed under Residences, Community Buildings, or Businesses in your inventory, depending on what type of building it is.

Place a Mystery Building on the map and click on it. This will bring up a menu that shows what you need to complete the building. Raising a Mystery Buiding requires 9 of each Timber and Slates. Timber come from requests. Slates must be collected from any of the 12 Alps buildings. A full list can be found on the Alps Village Center page.

Once you have the 18 needed items you can finish the Mystery Building. The odds of you receiving one of the 3 rarer types are slightly improved if you level up the Alps Village Center. Each building is a usable building.

All animals are currently listed as being Rare.

The top row can be bought for Cash-icon 20 Cash each. They are the Alps Inn, Alps Cabin, and Alps Stable.

The middle row can be bought for Cash-icon 30 Cash each. They are the Souvenir Shop, Alps Chalet, and |Alps School.

The bottom row can be bought for Cash-icon 40 Cash each. They are the Alps Cheese Factory, Alps House, and Alps Animal Park.
