CityVille Wiki
Amazon Abode
Amazon Abode-icon
Image © Zynga
Limited Edition
Start Date:July 20th, 2011
End Date:July 27th, 2011
Cost:Cash-icon 40 Cash
Construction:Energy-icon 7 Energy
Rent:Coins-icon 720 Coins every 24 hours
Min Pop:Population-icon 300 Population
Max Pop:Population-icon 620 Population
Population Upgrades
Upgrades:Large moving truck 40 Bonus Population

The Amazon Abode is a 4x4 limited edition Housing item in CityVille. It was released as part of the Brazilian Event (2011) and could only be obtained from the Brazilian Mystery Crate.

It takes Energy-icon 7 Energy to build. Once built, it increases your city by Population-icon 300 Population. Rent can be collected every day and earns Coins-icon 720 Coins.

This Vacation Home can be stored in the following Neighborhoods:

Both of the other two residences in the Brazilian Mystery Crate have 24 hour collection periods too (the Contemporary Condo and the Sunrise Rentals). Out of the three it is in the middle in terms of profit and number of citizens housed.

This item was re-released on October 4th, 2011 and added to the Build Menu for Cash-icon 40 Cash.

VERSION 2: It was released again in June 2012 as a reward for completing the goal It's Within Reach!-icon It's Within Reach! This version has improved stats. It increases your city by Population-icon 550 Population and maxes out at 1,090.
