CityVille Wiki
Big Bang Theory
Big Bang Theory-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 30
Release DateJuly 24, 2012
DescriptionFinishing your Science Center is easy! Just gather all the parts, master two crops, and master a business!
Mission fromSamantha 2-icon Sam
Buildhousebusiness iconGather parts to unlock the Science Center
Napa Cabbage Master-iconMaster one crop to Level 2
Upgrade tonga room iconMaster one business to Level 2
ItemScience Center-icon Science Center
It's Not Rocket Science-icon It's Not Rocket Science Big Bang Theory-icon Big Bang Theory

Big Bang Theory is a goal in CityVille. It is part of the second goal of the Tesla Coil Wonder-icon Tesla Coil Wonder, which will complete the Science Center.

Task 2: Havest Kale or Napa Cabbage to Level 2

Task 3: Upgrade the Exploratorium, Silicon Central, or Car Charging Station to Level 2
