CityVille Wiki
Branching Out!
Branching Out!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 20
Release DateSeptember 18, 2012
DescriptionYou're in luck! If you harvest your Neighborhoods, you'll get different types of nature residences!
Mission fromSamantha 2-icon Sam
Super neighborhood0 iconHarvest Neighborhoods and Place 5 Mystery Residences
Collect Famous Residences-iconBuild the Level 1 Natural Estates
Visit samanthas downtown iconComplete 3 Mystery Residences
(Cash-icon 30 Cash)
XPXP-icon 25 XP
CoinsCoins-icon 50,000 Coins
Goal Completion
DescriptionGreat job placing your first nature themed Mystery Residence! This really seems to be second nature to you!
Goods ShareGoods-icon 50 Goods
Branching Out!-icon Branching Out! Bring On The Bronze!-icon Bring On The Bronze!

Branching Out!, also known as Happy Harvesting!, is a Downtown and normal City goal in CityVille.

Ranger Sam says: "I've been looking for a new place to live in your city and I'd love it if you built some nature themed Famous Residences!"


Famous Residence-viral City is ready to branch out!

Player thinks that they have the greenest and most environmentally friendly house in the city. Which is true since it's actually a tree.
