CityVille Wiki
Breath In New Life
Breath In New Life-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 20
Release DateMay 18, 2014
DescriptionUnderwater citizens will make this New Atlantis!
Mission fromUnderwater Sam-icon Underwater Sam
Viral act3 atlantis map 64x64 02Ask Friends for 20 lost pieces of Atlantis Map
(Cash-icon 60 Cash)
Atlantis Theater-iconBuild 5 Restoration Residences
(Cash-icon 50 Cash)
Grow population iconIncrease your Underwater Population by 10,000
(Cash-icon 200 Cash)
CoinsCoins-icon 25,000 Coins
EnergyEnergy-icon 25 Energy
Goal Completion
DescriptionAtlantis lives on underwater thanks to you! Great Job!
Coins ShareCoins-icon 50 Coins
Poseidon's Temple-icon Poseidon's Temple Breath In New Life-icon Breath In New Life Bubbeling City!-icon Bubbeling City!

Timed Goal-icon Breath In New Life is a timed game-wide goal in CityVille. It is the second goal of Act 3 of the The Atlantis Expedition-icon The Atlantis Expedition Saga. Players have until June 30, 2014 to complete the Saga.

Underwater Sam says: "Atlantis was a bustling city! So let's make your city bustle too!"


Act3 feed City has restored Atlantis!

It's is worth a visit, it looks fantastic!
