CityVille Wiki
Buddy System
Buddy System-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 32
DescriptionAsk friends to join your Vacation travels to earn more XP! Remember, no friend left behind!
Mission fromTasha
Airport0 iconGet 4 friends to join in one of your Vacation Flights
(Cash-icon 25 Cash)
Vacation plane0 iconHarvest 20 Vacation Planes
(Cash-icon 100 Cash)
Backpack-iconAsk friends for 10 Backpacks
(Cash-icon 45 Cash)
XPXP-icon 50 XP
ItemZoning Permit-doober 5 Zoning Permit
Goal Completion
DescriptionI would hand you the travel agenda but it's hidden. No, seriously. I have no idea where it is!
Prepare for Takeoff!-icon Prepare for Takeoff! Buddy System-icon Buddy System That's the Ticket!-icon That's the Ticket!

Buddy System is a goal in CityVille.

Tasha says: "I'm sure you have lots of friends that would love to join you on your trip! Let's round them up and head to the airport!"

Announce stumpfordfamairplane 451

Stumpfordairplane feed City is floating on air with its new Vacation Terminal!

Player is looking forward to getting some rest on the plane. Which means that they're looking forward to reclining an inch and a half and staring blankly for 5 hours.
