CityVille Wiki
Build An International City!
Build An International City!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
Mission fromSamantha 2-icon Sam
Act 1: International Goals!
Act 2: Become Mayor
Act 3: Become Governor
Goal Completion
Coins ShareCoins-icon 50 Coins

The Build An International City! is a Saga in CityVille that requires the completion of multiple challenges. Completing each Act will earn you a reward.

Announce internationalGoals

Act 1: International Goals![]

Welcome the world to City and prove that your city is the most internationally friendly! Complete the International City goals and earn the United Nations Center!

Reward: United Nations Center
United Nations Center-icon

Task 1: Build Airport[]

Build all 4 Airport Terminals - The Cargo, Passenger, Vacation, and Private Jet

Task 2: Train Upgrade[]

Upgrade your Train Platform to Level 3

Task 3: Build Embassies[]

Build all 6 embassies in your city

Spanish  • Japanese  • U.S.
Spanish Embassy-icon Japanese Embassy-icon US Embassy-icon
U.K.  • Dubai  • Brazil
UK Embassy-icon Dubai Embassy-icon File:Brazilian Embassy-icon.png

Task 4: World Goals[]

Complete Act 1 of the Welcome The World!-icon Welcome The World! quest.

Italian Event-icon Italy Questline

Welcome Italy!-icon Welcome Italy! The Family Business-icon The Family Business File:Like Father, Like Son-icon.png Like Father, Like Son

France Event-icon France Questline

File:Welcome France!-icon.png Welcome France! File:Piece of Cake!-icon.png Piece of Cake! File:Baker of the Year!-icon.png Baker of the Year!

Spanish Event-icon Spain Questline

File:Welcome Spain!-icon.png Welcome Spain! File:Entertain Your City!-icon.png Entertain Your City! File:Show Them a Good Time!-icon.png Show Them a Good Time!
City is on top of the world now that it is an International City! You've earned the United Nations Center and can find it in your inventory.


Feed quest complete generic Player has become an International City!

Player has turned City into a world class international metropolis!

Act 2: Become Mayor[]

Welcome the world to City and prove that you are a world class Mayor! Complete the Mayor goals and earn the Mayoral Fundraiser Mansion!

Reward: Mayoral Fundraiser Mansion
Mayoral Fundraiser Mansion-icon

Task 1: Police Station[]

Upgrade your Police Station to Level 7

Task 2: Clerk's Office[]

Upgrade your Clerk's Office to Level 3

Task 3: Post Office[]

Upgrade your Post Office to Level 3

Task 4: Piers[]

Upgrade any Pier to level 3

City is on top of the world now that you're mayor! You've earned the Mayoral Fundraiser Mansion and can find it in your inventory.!


Feed quest complete generic Player has become Mayor of their city!

Player has turned City into a world class international metropolis!

Act 3: Become Governor[]

Welcome the world to City and prove that you are a world class Governor! Complete the Governor goals and earn the State Senate building!

Reward: State Senate Building
State Senate Building-icon

Task 1: Build Bridge[]

Build your Bridge

Task 2: Upgrade Hotel[]

Upgrade your Hotel to Level 3

Task 3: Build Dam[]

Build your Dam

Task 4: Governor's Run Saga[]

Complete all 9 goals of the Run For Governor-icon Run For Governor Goals

City is on top of the world now that you've become governor! You've earned the State Senate Building and can find it in your inventory.


Feed quest complete generic Player has become Governor of their city!

Player has turned City into a world class metropolis by becoming governor!
