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CityVille Wiki
Bull Museum
Bull Museum-icon
Image © Zynga
Requirement:XP-icon Level 10
Unlock Cost:Cash-icon 10 Cash
Cost:Coins-icon 150,000 Coins,
Coins-icon 250,000 Coins,
Coins-icon 500,000 Coins, or
Coins-icon 600,000 Coins
Rent:Coins-icon 35 Coins every 5 minutes
Min Pop:Population-icon 4,785 Population
Max Pop:Population-icon 9,240 Population
Population Upgrades
Upgrades:Extra large moving truck 60 Bonus Population

The Bull Museum is a 4x4 Bulls Partner, Parade, and Spring residence in CityVille. It can be built as part of the goal Go Around The Horns!-icon Go Around The Horns! This one can cost Coins-icon 150,000, 250,000, 500,000, or 600,000 Coins.

For each level you've built the Bull Museum to, before the time limit ends, its population and appearance will improve. Each building requires Wax-icon Wax and different items to complete each level.

Having a fully built Bull Museum can increase your city's population by . Rent can be collected every 5 minutes and earns Coins-icon 35 Coins.

The maximum reward for this balloon is: Driving Bull-icon Driving Bull, XP-icon 440 XP, and Coins-icon 520,000 Coins


Level 1: Population-icon 10-20 Population
Level 2: Population-icon 20-30 Population
Level 3: Population-icon 30-40 Population
Level 4: Population-icon 40-50 Population
Level 5: Population-icon 50-60 Population
Level 6-7: Population-icon 4,785-9,240 Population


Level 2: Red Paint Bucket-viral Red Paint Bucket: 8, Wax: 16, Paint Protection Film-viral Paint Protection Film: 8
Level 3: Blue Paint Bucket-viral Blue Paint Bucket: 16, Wax: 32, Paint Protection Film: 16
Level 4: Green Paint Bucket-viral Green Paint Bucket: 21, Wax: 42, Paint Protection Film: 21
Level 5: Orange Paint Bucket-viral Orange Paint Bucket: 36, Wax: 72, Paint Protection Film: 36
Level 6: Yellow Paint Bucket-viral Yellow Paint Bucket: 52, Wax: 104, Paint Protection Film: 52
Level 7: None

The first item for each level can be collected from Wall Posts while the second can be collected from different Bulls Partner buildings. The third item is the created item required to Build the Bull Museum to the next level.

Upgrade Rewards[]

Upgrading the Bull Museum will give you and your Building Partner rewards. They are:

Level You Building Partner
2 Coins-icon 30,000 Coins, Energy-icon 15 Energy Energy-icon 10 Energy, 4x Wax
3 Coins-icon 40000 Coins, Energy-icon 17 Energy Energy-icon 15 Energy, 6x Wax
4 Coins-icon 50,000 Coins, Energy-icon 19 Energy Zoning Permit-doober 3x Zoning Permits, 3x Wax
5 Coins-icon 60,000 Coins, Energy-icon 21 Energy Zoning Permit-doober 3x Zoning Permits, 3x Wax
6 Coins-icon 70,000 Coins, Energy-icon 23 Energy Zoning Permit-doober 5x Zoning Permits, 7x Wax
7 Coins-icon 30,000 Coins, Energy-icon 15 Energy Energy-icon 10 Energy, 4x Wax

Final Rewards[]

Once the Bull Museum has been fully built, or the 7 days has passed, you will have the possibility of being rewarded one of the following based on the level:

Level Item Goods Coins
1 Zoning Permit-doober Zoning Permit XP-icon 56 XP Coins-icon 8,000 Coins
2 Zoning Permit-doober 2x Zoning Permits XP-icon 80 XP Coins-icon 24,000 Coins
3 Zoning Permit-doober 3x Zoning Permit XP-icon 120 XP Coins-icon 56,000 Coins
4 Zoning Permit-doober 4x Zoning Permit XP-icon 160 XP Coins-icon 88,000 Coins
5 Zoning Permit-doober 5x Zoning Permit XP-icon 200 XP Coins-icon 144,000 Coins
6 Zoning Permit-doober 6x Zoning Permit XP-icon 240 XP Coins-icon 240,000 Coins
7 Driving Bull-icon Driving Bull XP-icon 320 XP Coins-icon 320,000 Coins
8 Driving Bull-icon Driving Bull XP-icon 300 XP Coins-icon 400,000 Coins
9 Driving Bull-icon Driving Bull XP-icon 360 XP Coins-icon 480,000 Coins
10 Driving Bull-icon Driving Bull XP-icon 440 XP Coins-icon 520,000 Coins

Note: You can earn any reward up to and including the level of the Bull Museum. Having a fully built Bull Museum will allow you to possibly earn up to the tenth level.

Possible Item Drops[]

Collecting Bonuses[]

85%XP-icon 1 XP
15%2XP-icon 2 XP
10%Energy-icon 1 Energy
40%Population-icon 8 Population
30%Population-icon 7 Population
20%Population-icon 6 Population
15%Population-icon 5 Population
12%Population-icon 4 Population
8%Population-icon 3 Population
5%Population-icon 0-2 Population
Direction SW Direction SE
Bull Museum-SW Bull Museum-SE