CityVille Wiki
Business & Pleasure!
Business & Pleasure!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 30
DescriptionOne of the reasons I like Dubai so much is the people! It'll be nice to see some old friends while I'm there!
Mission fromVance-icon Vance
Build houseIncrease your Population by 1000
(Cash-icon 10 Cash)
Valor ID-iconAsk friends for 8 Valor IDs or collect them from Level 3 Museums
(Cash-icon 36 Cash)
Collect ferris wheel iconCollect from your Theme Park 5 times
(Cash-icon 50 Cash)
CoinsCoins-icon 5,000 Coins
GoodsGoods-icon 5,000 Goods
Goal Completion
DescriptionNo matter how hard I work while I'm here, I always find a little time to take in the sights and sounds of Dubai!
Family Man-icon Family Man Business & Pleasure!-icon Business & Pleasure! A Family Tradition!-icon A Family Tradition!

Business & Pleasure! is a Downtown, Lakefront, Alps, and normal City goal in CityVille. It is the second goal of Act 3: Part 1 of the Welcome The World!-icon Welcome The World! Saga.

Vance says: "My dad's favorite place to do business was Dubai! Luckily, I get to go there often, as it's my favorite as well!"

Announce international comic 03a


Feed international comic 03a City is welcoming Dubai to their city!

Player saw their very first camel race today in Dubai. Unfortunately, their favorite camel didn't end up winning. He just couldn't make it over the hump.
