CityVille Wiki
CityVille Wiki
Campaign Rally!
Campaign Rally!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 15
Release DateNovember 7, 2011
DescriptionRecruit your friends to support your Campaign Rally by checking into your City Hall!
Crew memberAsk neighbors for help.
Voter Registration Drive! Campaign Rally!-icon Campaign Rally!

Timed Goal-icon Campaign Rally! is one of the timed goals in CityVille. In your run for Governor, you need to recruit your City Hall work crew to help with your campaign. This is related but separate from the Run For Governor-icon Run For Governor Goal. This goal supersedes Campaign Committee and Voter Registration Drive!

To get the mission, click on the City Hall with the campaign icon above it. If you have more than one City Hall, either the one with the most crew or the most recently built one will give you this mission. If some of your staff is filled with Bonus Crew or missing neighbors, you will have the option to replace them by sending invites to your friends.

If your City Hall is at Level 2 & Level 3, you have 144 hours to complete this timed goal. For Level 1 City Hall, you have 72 hours to complete this timed goal.

Depending on how many neighbors respond to your help, your reward will vary. Depending on the level of your City Hall, the rewards will also be different.

Rewards & Help Needed[]

Each friend can be skipped for Cash-icon 25 Cash.

City Hall Level 3[]

Coin1-icon XP-icon Zoningpermit
Coins-icon 60,000 Coins XP-icon 120 XP Zoning Permit-doober 7× Zoning Permit
3 neighbor responses 6 neighbor responses 10 neighbor responses

City Hall Level 2[]

Coin1-icon XP-icon Zoningpermit
Coins-icon 12,000 Coins XP-icon 48 XP Zoning Permit-doober 6x Zoning Permit
2 neighbor responses 4 neighbor responses 6 neighbor responses

City Hall Level 1[]

Coin1-icon XP-icon Zoningpermit
Coins-icon 3000 Coins XP-icon 36 XP Zoning Permit-doober 5x Zoning Permit
1 neighbor responses 2 neighbor responses 3 neighbor responses


Campaign Committee-feed Rush Over To Player's City Hall!

Help Player's Campaign Rally before time runs out and get your reward!

