CityVille Wiki
Cast the First Stone!
Cast the First Stone!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 60
DescriptionYour mansion is going to attract attention. So first, let’s put up some stone walls to give you some privacy! Complete all goals to earn the Victorian Mansion!
Mission fromEdgar
Stone Wall-iconAsk friends for 25 Stone Walls
(Cash-icon 60 Cash)
Collect french restaurant iconCollect 40 times from a Level 2 or Level 3 French Restaurant
(Cash-icon 60 Cash)
Harvest vacation plane iconCollect from Berlin Airlines 8 Times
(Cash-icon 32 Cash)
XPXP-icon 250 XP
Premium GoodsPremium Goods-icon 750 Premium Goods
Goal Completion
DescriptionIt looks like you found a mansion that suits your needs. Pretty soon, it’ll be home sweet home!
Cast the First Stone!-icon Cast the First Stone! Wine 'em and Dine 'em!-icon Wine 'em and Dine 'em!

Cast the First Stone! is a goal in CityVille.

Edgar says: "You’ve made some good investments in the Stock Market! You should take some money to invest in a new mansion!"

Announce mansion01


Feed mansion01 City is one step closer to getting a new mansion!

Player went mansion shopping today unexpectedly. Apparently, they were supposed to go grocery shopping but they got sidetracked.
