All items (766)
- A Happy Medium
- A Hot Commodity!
- A Whole New World!
- Aloha Island!
- American Alps Castle
- Atlantis District
- Back to Square One!
- Bake The Cake
- Breaking News!
- Build A New Park
- Build A Second Mall!
- Build An International City!
- Build The Eiffel Tower Wonder!
- Build The Great Pyramid Wonder!
- Build Your Own World Island!
- Business Is Booming!
- Can You Hear Me Now?!
- Celebrate CityVille's Birthday!
- Cinco De Mayo!
- Citizens Need Your Help!
- City Clerk Office
- CityVille Monopoly Board Game!
- Click It And Ticket
- Climb Mount Fuji!
- Coke Zero Plant!
- Collect Famous Residences
- Corn To Run
- Discovery Castle
- Dough Tossing
- Dragon Parade!
- Edgar's Shoe Shine
- Energizer Bunny Statue