CityVille Wiki
Closing The Book
Closing The Book-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 30
Release DateMarch 9, 2012
DescriptionWhenever I get writer's block, I go over to the local university. Being around students helps me write!
Mission fromLouise 2-icon Louise
Collect from libraryCollect from a Middle School 3
(Cash-icon 70 Cash)
Novel Edits-iconCollect 10 Novel Edits from any University building
(Cash-icon 30 Cash)
Shakespearean Plays-iconAsk friends for 15 Shakespearean Plays
(Cash-icon 30 Cash)
CoinsCoins-icon 8,000 Coins
GoodsGoods-icon 200 Goods
Goal Completion
DescriptionIt's finished! My novel is finally finished! Oh, I hope it's good! I wonder if people will buy it!
English Major-icon English Major Closing The Book-icon Closing The Book Turning The Page!-icon Turning The Page!

Closing The Book is a Downtown, Lakefront, Alps, and normal City goal in CityVille. It is the second goal of Act 2: Part 3 of the Welcome The World!-icon Welcome The World! Saga.

Louise says: "Going back to the UK was very inspiring! Now it's time to head home and put the finishing touches on my novel!"

Announce international comic 02c


Feed international comic 02c City is welcoming the UK to their city!

Player went to a great new Shakespeare themed restaurant while visiting the UK. For breakfast, they ordered the Hamlet Omelet.
