CityVille Wiki
Clown Alley
Clown Alley-icon
Image © Zynga
Reward for:Circus Mystery Crate
Cost:Cash-icon 60 Cash
Sale Cost:Cash-icon 42 Cash (save 30%)
Construction:Energy-icon 7 Energy
Collection:Rural Collection
Rent:Coins-icon 199 Coins every 4 hours
Min Pop:Population-icon 900 Population
Max Pop:Population-icon 1,800 Population
Population Upgrades
Upgrades:Extra large moving truck 60 Bonus Population

The Clown Alley is a 3×3 housing available in CityVille for a limited time. It was released for the Circus Event (2011). It can only be obtained as a reward from the Circus Mystery Crate.

It costs Cash-icon 60 Cash to buy and takes Energy-icon 7 Energy to build. Once built, it increases your city by Population-icon 900 Population. Rent can be collected every 4 hours and earns Coins-icon 199 Coins. When collecting Rent from this building you may receive a collectible from the Rural Collection.

Possible Item Drops[]

3%Fireplace-icon Fireplace
3%Leather Couch-icon Leather Couch
3%Quilt-icon Quilt
3%BBQ-icon BBQ
3%Dining Table-icon Dining Table


Direction NW Direction NE Direction SW Direction SE
Clown Alley-NW Clown Alley-NE Clown Alley-SW Clown Alley-SE