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The Creepy Clock Tower may refer to:


This goal has been removed as of November 6, 2012.

Creepy Clock Tower
Creepy Clock Tower-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 35
Release DateOctober 18, 2012
DescriptionConstruct a creepy clock tower for your ghosts, ghouls and monsters to reside!
Mission fromBoo-icon Boo
Creepy clocktower0 iconPlace and Upgrade The Creepy Clock Tower to Level 2
Viral halloweenskyscraper gargoyle 64x64Collect 12 Gargoyles from Hotels
(Cash-icon 24 Cash)
Collect community bldg iconCollect from 10 Ghost Community Buildings
(Cash-icon 15 Cash)
XPXP-icon 250 XP
EnergyEnergy-icon 3 Energy
Goal Completion
DescriptionYou've built some solid foundations for your new creepy clock tower! You're on the up-and-up!
Goods ShareGoods-icon 50 Goods
Creepy Clock Tower-icon Creepy Clock Tower Vertigo Grows-icon Vertigo Grows

Creepy Clock Tower is a Halloween normal City goal in CityVille.

Boo says: "Your ghosts are having trouble scaring up real-estate to haunt! It's about time you helped them out!"


Feed halloweensaga a City is terrifyingly taller thanks to a new clock tower!

Player is changing their city's skyline in a creepy way with a new Creepy Clock Tower!


This item has been removed.

Creepy Clock Tower
Creepy Clock Tower 2-icon
Reward for:Creepy Clock Tower-icon Creepy Clock Tower
Unlock Cost:Cash-icon 30 Cash
Rent:Coins-icon 322 Coins every 24 hours
Ghost Pop:Ghost Population 70 Ghost Population
Level 2
Materials:Rusted Bolt-icon 2x Rusted Bolt
Monstrous Mirror-icon 2x Monstrous Mirror
Rattling Pipe-icon 2x Rattling Pipe
Ghost Pop:Ghost Population 150 Ghost Population
Rent:Coins-icon 323 Coins every 24 hours
Level 3
Materials:Cracked Foundation-viral 3x Cracked Foundation
Clouded Glass-viral 3x Clouded Glass
Skittering Rodents-viral 3x Skittering Rodents
Ghost Pop:Ghost Population 300 Ghost Population
Rent:Coins-icon 325 Coins every 24 hours
Level 4
Materials:Aged Door-viral 4x Aged Door
Corroded Sprinklers-viral 4x Corroded Sprinklers
Fur Vacuum-viral 4x Fur Vacuum
Ghost Pop:Ghost Population 500 Ghost Population
Rent:Coins-icon 328 Coins every 24 hours
Level 5
Materials:Creepy Candles-viral 6x Creepy Candles
Sleeping Coffins-viral 6x Sleeping Coffins
Black Curtains-viral 6x Black Curtains
Ghost Pop:Ghost Population 750 Ghost Population
Rent:Coins-icon 415 Coins every 24 hours
Level 6
Materials:Wiggling Vines-viral 8x Wiggling Vines
Creaky Stairs-viral 8x Creaky Stairs
Eerie Lights-viral 8x Eerie Lights
Ghost Pop:Ghost Population 2,000 Ghost Population
Rent:Coins-icon 507 Coins every 24 hours

The Creepy Clock Tower is a 4x4 Halloween skyscraper residence available to players XP-icon Level 30+.

It is available for free when placed during the Creepy Clock Tower-icon Creepy Clock Tower goal and takes Energy-icon 0 Energy to build. This building is upgradeable to house up to Ghost Population 2,000 Ghost Population. Rent can be collected every 24 hours.

Removing the building will return it to your inventory. If an upgraded skyscraper was removed, when it is taken back out, it will remain in the same state as it was before removal. No energy or materials are required to rebuild.

Note: It cannot be rotated!


Image Level Building Materials Ghost Population Rent
Creepy Clock Tower Level 1-icon Level 1 None Ghost Population 70 Ghost Population Coins-icon 322 Coins
Creepy Clock Tower Level 2-icon Level 2 Rusted Bolt-viral
2x Rusted Bolt
Monstrous Mirror-viral
2x Monstrous Mirror
Rattling Pipe-viral
2x Rattling Pipe
Ghost Population 150 Ghost Population Coins-icon 323 Coins
Creepy Clock Tower Level 3-icon Level 3 Cracked Foundation-viral
3x Cracked Foundation
Clouded Glass-viral
3x Clouded Glass
Skittering Rodents-viral
3x Skittering Rodents
Ghost Population 300 Ghost Population Coins-icon 325 Coins
Creepy Clock Tower Level 4-icon Level 4 Aged Door-viral
4x Aged Door
Corroded Sprinklers-viral
4x Corroded Sprinklers
Fur Vacuum-viral
4x Fur Vacuum
Ghost Population 500 Ghost Population Coins-icon 328 Coins
Creepy Clock Tower Level 5-icon Level 5 Creepy Candles-viral
6x Creepy Candles
Sleeping Coffins-viral
6x Sleeping Coffins
Black Curtains-viral
6x Black Curtains
Ghost Population 750 Ghost Population Coins-icon 415 Coins
Creepy Clock Tower 2-icon Level 6 Wiggling Vines-viral
8x Wiggling Vines
Creaky Stairs-viral
8x Creaky Stairs
Eerie Lights-viral
8x Eerie Lights
Ghost Population 2,000 Ghost Population Coins-icon 507 Coins

Wonder Bonus[]

Once the house is fully upgraded, click on the building to activate the one-time 10x payout bonus. It will act like a wonder by giving citywide bonuses to:

The 900% bonus effect will run for 3 minutes and cost Cash-icon 10 Cash to get add 30 seconds to the timer and get Energy-icon 10 Energy.

Note: You can only run the 900% bonus timer only once.


Level 1[]

All Directions
Creepy Clock Tower Level 1-SW

Level 2[]

All Directions
Creepy Clock Tower Level 2-SW

Level 3[]

All Directions
Creepy Clock Tower Level 3-SW

Level 4[]

All Directions
Creepy Clock Tower Level 4-SW

Level 5[]

All Directions
Creepy Clock Tower Level 5-SW

Level 6[]

All Directions
Creepy Clock Tower 2-SW