CityVille Wiki
Crop Circle Sighting
Crop Circle Sighting-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 15
Release DateNovember 3, 2012
DescriptionEven the farm animals seem to be bent out of shape! They've been spooked by weird lights and noises!
Mission fromMax 2-icon Max
Expand city iconExpand to and investigate the Crop Circle
Harvest cropsHarvest 75 Crops
(Cash-icon 150 Cash)
File:Crop Circle-icon.pngHarvest UFO Materials from Crop Circle
(Cash-icon 25 Cash)
XPXP-icon 500 XP
EnergyEnergy-icon 7 Energy
Goal Completion
DescriptionI can safely say that I've never seen anything like this. Whatever made this thing is not from around here!

Crop Circle Sighting is a Lakefront and normal City goal in CityVille.

Max says: "Farmers have been complaining about their crops being ruined with strange markings! Let's go investigate!"


Feed cropcircles City is investigating a crop circle!

Player was shocked and admittedly impressed by whoever or whatever made the crop circle. They'd have been more impressed if it was a crop octagon, though.
