CityVille Wiki
CityVille Wiki
Davy Jones's Dockyard!
Davy Jones's Dockyard!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 20
Release DateJune 6, 2013
DescriptionThe Dockyard can be our ocean exploration HQ! Let's plumb the depths!
Mission fromSamantha 2-icon Sam
Dockyard-iconExpand out to the Dockyard
Viral exploration saga diving suit 64x64Ask Neighbors for Diving Suits
(Cash-icon 54 Cash)
Grow population iconIncrease your Exploration Population by 12,000
(Cash-icon 220 Cash)
CoinsCoins-icon 100,000 Coins
Premium GoodsPremium Goods-icon 2,000 Premium Goods
Goal Completion
DescriptionThe ocean might not hold any secrets to you, but our next stop is out of this world!
Coins ShareCoins-icon 50 Coins
A Tale Of Whales!-icon A Tale Of Whales! Davy Jones's Dockyard!-icon Davy Jones's Dockyard! Map The Galaxy!-icon Map The Galaxy!

Timed Goal-icon Davy Jones's Dockyard! is one of the Downtown, Lakefront, Alps, and normal City goals in CityVille. It is the third goal of Act 2 of Explorers Of The World-icon Explorers Of The World Saga. Players have 45 days to complete the entire Saga.

Sam says: "The exploration of the sea is almost complete, let's set up a base of operations!"


Feed ExplorationSagaAct2 200 City has a new yard!

A dockyard! Player is pretty excited about it, because it doesn't need mowing!
