CityVille Wiki

This goal has been removed as of March 8, 2013.

Delivery Detective
Delivery Detective-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 6
Release DateNovember 14, 2012
DescriptionLet's track down the last person to see the blueprints: a delivery boy working downtown!
Mission fromSamantha 2-icon Sam
Viral city2xpromo chinesemenu 64x64Ask friends for 20 Chinese Take-Out Menus
(Cash-icon 60 Cash)
Viral lobster 64x64Harvest 100 Water Crops
(Cash-icon 200 Cash)
Cityville2 Xpromo0 iconLevel Up to level 6 in CityVille 2
XPXP-icon 300 XP
EnergyEnergy-icon 10 Energy
Goal Completion
DescriptionYou've recovered a blueprint! One of the blueprints got mixed up with the take-out menu!
Missing Mystery-icon Missing Mystery Delivery Detective-icon Delivery Detective Confidence Building-icon Confidence Building

Timed Goal-icon Delivery Detective is a Downtown, Lakefront and normal City goal in CityVille. Players have 24 days to complete the questline once it appears.

Sam says: "We're still on the hunt for missing blueprints! Let's explore all possible avenues!"


Mun city2 police scene d feed City is missing blueprints! Scandalous!

Player is solving the case of the mysterious missing blueprints in CityVille2!
