CityVille Wiki
Detective Game
Detective Game-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 20
Release DateJuly 25, 2013
DescriptionDetective game! You've known that not all paintings are real. Pick out the fake ones from all your artworks!
Mission fromSamantha 2-icon Sam
Quest2 taskicon 01Send out 5 Exhibition Cruise to get paintings
(Cash-icon 15 Cash)
Quest2 taskicon 02Collect 10 Detectors from Renaissance themed Buildings
(Cash-icon 50 Cash)
Quest2 taskicon 03Examine all Original Paintings and pick out the 10 Real Paintings
(Cash-icon 30 Cash)
CoinsCoins-icon 200 Coins
EnergyEnergy-icon 5 Energy
Goal Completion
DescriptionCongratulations, you've found all real paintings! What will you do for those fake ones?
Coins ShareCoins-icon 50 Coins
Renaissance Artworks-icon Renaissance Artworks Detective Game-icon Detective Game Perfect Exhibits-icon Perfect Exhibits

Timed Goal-icon Detective Game is a timed Downtown, Lakefront, Alps, and normal City goal in CityVille. Players have until Augst 25, 2013 to complete the questline.

Sam says: "To tell you a secret, I've heard that there are some fake paintings among your exhibits. Sometimes they just hard to differentiate"


RAE Quest-completion-feed2 City is goods at detective games!

Player is glad to share the excitment for succesfully finding those fake paintings!
