CityVille Wiki
Donut Shop
Donut Shop-icon
Image © Zynga
CostCoins-icon 42,000 Coins
Sell forCoins-icon 750 Coins
Sell unbuilt for:Coins-icon 42,000 Coins
ConstructionEnergy-icon 7 Energy
SuppliesGoods-icon 130 Goods
EarningsCoins-icon 702 Coins
EfficiencyCoins-icon 5.4 Coins per Goods-icon Good
CollectionJust Desserts Collection

The Donut Shop is a 3x3 sized business available in CityVille that was originally a reward for capturing the The Heartbreaker. It would appear in your inventory once you have a successful capture, but now is available to buy in the Build Menu. It can also be won randomly from a Business Gift Box.

It costs Coins-icon 42,000 Coins to buy and Energy-icon 7 Energy to build. Supplying it consumes Goods-icon 130 Goods. Collecting rent from it earns Coins-icon 702 Coins and a chance for collectibles towards the Just Desserts Collection. This business cannot be franchised. Sells for Coins-icon 42,000 Coins, if placed in city and sold before completing construction.

The Donut Shop-icon Donut Shop has an efficiency of 5.4 coins per good. But does'nt give donuts for cops.
