CityVille Wiki
Double Your Payouts!
Double Your Payouts!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 50
Release DateOctober 4, 2011
DescriptionOnce the world sees my discovery, everyone will want this tiny but powerful device! It gives a 100% bonus!
Mission fromMax
Collect community bldg iconCollect from an Observatory twice
(Cash-icon 70 Cash)
Grow Population-iconIncrease your Population by 5,000
(Cash-icon 100 Cash)
Goods dooberHave 10,000 Goods
(Cash-icon 100 Cash)
ItemSuper Solar Panel

Timed Goal-icon Double Your Payouts! is one of the timed goals in CityVille.


Gold Reward-icon Gold[]

(completed within 72 hours)

Silver Reward-icon Silver[]

(completed in 72-120 hours)

Bronze Reward-icon Bronze[]

(completed in 120 hours or more)


You can increase your population by placing 5,000 population worth of housing into your warehouse before accepting this goal, and then removing it from your warehouse after you have accepted the goal. If you don't place housing in your warehouse before accepting this goal, you will have to increase your population naturally (by building more housing).

It is generally a good idea to read up on any timed goal before accepting it. This is especially true for this goal.
