CityVille Wiki
French Cafe
French Cafe-icon
Image © Zynga
RequirementsVive La France!-icon Pardon My French
Unlock costCash-icon 20 Cash
CostCoins-icon 3,000 Coins
ConstructionEnergy-icon 5 Energy
Level 1
SuppliesGoods-icon 150 Goods
EarningsCoins-icon 660 Coins
EfficiencyCoins-icon 4.4 Coins per Goods-icon Good
Level 2
RequirementSupplied French Cafe 50 times
Max HelpersReputation-icon 10 Neighbors
Help Amount+2 supplies
Upgrade RewardXP-icon 3 XP
SuppliesGoods-icon 150 Goods
EarningsCoins-icon 751 Coins
EfficiencyCoins-icon 5.01 Coins per Goods-icon Good
Level 3
RequirementSupplied French Cafe an additional 100 times
Max HelpersReputation-icon 10 Neighbors
Help Amount+4 supplies
Upgrade RewardXP-icon 4 XP
SuppliesGoods-icon 190 Goods
EarningsCoins-icon 1,100 Coins
EfficiencyCoins-icon 5.7895 Coins per Goods-icon Good
CollectionFrench Cuisine Collection

The French Cafe is a 3x3 Bastille Day 2013, Europe, France, and Restaurant business in CityVille. It is unlocked after completing the Vive La France!-icon Pardon My French Goal.

It costs Coins-icon 3,000 Coins to buy and takes Energy-icon 5 Energy to build. At Level 1, supplying it consumes Goods-icon 150 Goods and collecting from it earns Coins-icon 660 Coins; Level 2 requires Goods-icon 150 Goods and earns Coins-icon 751 Coins, and; Level 3 requires Goods-icon 190 Goods and earns Coins-icon 1,100 Coins. The French Cafe has an efficiency of 4.4, 5.01, and 5.7895 coins per good at Level 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

Upgrading this to Level 2 requires the player to collect from this 50 times; Level 3 requires this to be collected from an additional 100 times. The appearance of this does not change when upgrading.

This business cannot be franchised.

Possible Item Drops[]

3%Fromage-icon Fromage
3%Baguette-icon Baguette
3%Beret-icon Beret
3%Croissant-icon Croissant
3%French Flag-icon French Flag

Collecting Bonuses[]

85%XP-icon 1 XP
15%2XP-icon 2 XP
10%Energy-icon 1 Energy
Direction SW Direction SE
French Cafe-SW French Cafe-SE