CityVille Wiki
Government Monument
Government Monument-icon
Image © Zynga
Reward for:Washington D.C. Charter-icon Washington D.C. Charter
Construction:Energy-icon 12 Energy
Allows:Population-icon 2,000 Population
Profit:Coins-icon 1,000 Coins
Bonus:Bonus-icon +20-40% Payout

The Government Monument is a 4x4 US Landmark in CityVille.

It is a reward for Mastering Washington D.C. Charter-icon Washington D.C. Charter to Level 3 and takes Energy-icon 12 Energy to build. Once built, it allows an extra Population-icon 2,000 Population. It give a 20% payout boost to both businesses and residences and also an additional 20% payout boost to US businesses and residences. Collecting from this every 24 hours will give you Coins-icon 1,000 Coins.

This has a monetary value of Coins-icon 2,000,000 Coins.

Note: Although shown here as a Landmark, this is designated only as a decoration that also increases the city's population allowance in the game code.

Collecting Bonuses[]

100%10× Coins-icon 100 Coins
50%XP-icon 1 XP
50%2XP-icon 2 XP
40%Energy-icon 1 Energy
40%Energy-icon 1 Energy
10%Energy-icon 1 Energy
5%Energy-icon 1 Energy
Direction SW Direction SE
Government Monument-SW Government Monument-SE

See also:[]
