CityVille Wiki
Grand Concert Hall 3
Grand Concert Hall 3-icon
Image © Zynga
Finish:Music Baton-viral 7x Music Baton
Door Hinges-viral 7x Door Hinges
Theatre Screen-viral 7x Theatre Screen
Curtain Tassels-viral 7x Curtain Tassels
* Host Concerts in your Grand Concert Hall 20 times
Supplies:Goods-icon 1,500 Goods
Earnings:Coins-icon 6,255 Coins
Efficiency:Coins-icon 4.17 Coins per Goods-icon Good
Business Upgrades
Grand Concert Hall 2-icon Grand Concert Hall 2 Grand Concert Hall 3-icon Grand Concert Hall 3

The Grand Concert Hall 3 is an upgrade of the Grand Concert Hall business in CityVille.

Supplying the Classical Concert consumes Goods-icon 600 Goods and collecting from it earns Coins-icon 2,700 Coins and 60 Tourists. It takes 4 hours to host the expo before you collect from it.

Supplying the Jazz Concert consumes Goods-icon 900 Goods and collecting from it earns Coins-icon 3,704 Coins and 85 Tourists. It takes 7 hours to host the expo before you collect from it.

Supplying the Electronic Concert consumes Goods-icon 1,500 Goods and collecting from it earns Coins-icon 6,255 Coins and 125 Tourists. It takes 12 hours to host the expo before you collect from it (stats shown).

Each Expo can be finished for Cash-icon 5 Cash.

This business cannot be franchised.

The Grand Concert Hall 3-icon Grand Concert Hall 3 has an efficiency of 4.5, 4.116, and 4.17 coins per good for each Expo, respectively.


Quest task concert hall upgrade Materials[]

Music Baton-viral 7x Music Baton
Door Hinges-viral 7x Door Hinges
Theatre Screen-viral 7x Theatre Screen
Curtain Tassels-viral 7x Curtain Tassels

Cash-icon 112 Cash to buy all

Quest task concert hall photo Host Concerts[]

Host Concerts in your Grand Concert Hall 20 times

Cash-icon 50 Cash to skip
