CityVille Wiki
Haunted Home
Haunted Home-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 50
Release DateOctober 10, 2012
DescriptionBuild your spooks a Spooky Spire that spirals into the sky before time runs out!
Mission fromBoo-icon Boo
Halloween super residence0 iconBuild the Spooky Spire
Collect bella apartments iconBuild 5 Apartment Residences
(Cash-icon 50 Cash)
Harvest pumpkin iconHarvest 50 Jack-o-Lanterns or Pumpkins
(Cash-icon 200 Cash)
XPXP-icon 100 XP
ItemFile:Cauldron-viral.png 5x Cauldrons
Goal Completion
DescriptionThis spire will sure save you space and your wraith-residents will soon have a place to call home!
Haunted Home-icon Haunted Home Timed Terror-icon Timed Terror

Timed Goal-icon Haunted Home, also known as Spooky Spire, is a timed goal goal in CityVille. Players have 10 days to complete the questline once it appears.

Boo says: "Your sophisticated, spectral citizens are getting restless without a home to haunt!"


Res city spireL1 viral 90 City’s death toll is rising for the good!

Player is building high-rise apartments for ghosts! Don't worry. They're supposed to be haunted!
