CityVille Wiki
House of Churros
House of Churros-icon
Image © Zynga
CostCash-icon 40 Cash
ConstructionEnergy-icon 7 Energy
SuppliesGoods-icon 305 Goods
EarningsCoins-icon 1,648 Coins
EfficiencyCoins-icon 5.40 Coins per Goods-icon Good
CollectionMariachi Collection

The House of Churros is a 3×3 sized business available in CityVille for a limited time. It was released for the Mexico Event (2011).

It costs Cash-icon 40 Cash to buy or can be obtained from the Mexico Mystery Crate. It takes Energy-icon 7 Energy to build. Supplying it consumes Goods-icon 305 Goods. Collecting from it earns Coins-icon 1,024 Coins and a chance for collectibles towards the Mariachi Collection.

This business cannot be franchised.

The House of Churros-icon House of Churros has an efficiency of 5.4 coins per good.
