CityVille Wiki
International Super House 2
International Super House 2-icon
Image © Zynga
Requirement:XP-icon Level 20
Finish:Black Lamp-viral 6x Black Lamps
Blue Lamp-viral 6x Blue Lamps
Green Lamp-viral 6x Green Lamps
Purple Lamp-viral 6x Purple Lamps
Yellow Lamp-viral 6x Yellow Lamps
Rent:Coins-icon 250 Coins every 24 hours
World Travelers
Min Pop:World Pop-icon 350 World Travelers
Max Pop:World Pop-icon 700 World Travelers
Upgrades:Extra large moving truck 60 Bonus Population
Residence Upgrades
International Super House International Super House 2-icon International Super House 2 International Super House 3

The International Super House 2 is a 3x3 housing item in CityVille.

This is an upgrade of the International Super House. It requires Black Lamp-viral 6 Black Lamps, Blue Lamp-viral Blue Lamps, Green Lamp-viral Green Lamps, Purple Lamp-viral Purple Lamp, and Yellow Lamp-viral Yellow Lamps to finish. Once built, it increases your city's population by World Pop-icon 350 World Travelers. Rent can be collected every 24 hours and earns Coins-icon 250 Coins.

Collecting Bonuses[]

85%XP-icon 1 XP
15%2XP-icon 2 XP
10%Energy-icon 1 Energy
40%Population-icon 8 Population
30%Population-icon 7 Population
20%Population-icon 6 Population
15%Population-icon 5 Population
12%Population-icon 4 Population
8%Population-icon 3 Population
5%Population-icon 0-2 Population
Direction SW Direction SE
International Super House 2-SW International Super House 2-SE