CityVille Wiki
Launch Pad
Launch Pad-icon
Image © Zynga
Reward for:Space Invaders-icon Space Invaders
Requirement:XP-icon Level 10
Population-icon 10 Population
Construction:Energy-icon 1 Energy
Level 1
Level 2
Materials:Shuttle Plans-viral 4x Shuttle Plans
Space Compass-icon 6x Space Compass
Space Boots-icon 8x Space Boots
Rocket Jets-viral 10x Rocket Jets
Space Map-icon 12x Space Map
Space Suit-viral 14x Space Suit
Buy All:Cash-icon 172 Cash
Level 3
Materials:Advanced Shuttle Plans-icon 12x Advanced Shuttle Plans
Moon Dust-icon 15x Moon Dust
Mars Dust-icon 15x Mars Dust
Star Fuel-icon 100x Star Fuel
Buy All:Cash-icon 454 Cash
Level 4
Materials:Solar Shuttle Plans-icon 15x Solar Shuttle Plans
Sun Shades-icon 15x Sun Shades
Jupiter Dust-icon 15x Jupiter Dust
Saturn Dust-icon 15x Saturn Dust
Sun Fuel-icon 100x Sun Fuel
Buy All:Cash-icon 512 Cash

The Launch Pad is a 5x5 Space building in CityVille.

It is available for free when placed during the Space Invaders-icon Space Invaders Goal and takes Energy-icon 5 Energy to build. Once built to Level 1, it will allow the player to launch the Space Shuttle on Moon Mission and Mars Missions.

Upgrading this to Level 2 rquires 6 different materials to be collected. Level 3 requires 4 materials, and Level 4 requires 5 materials. Each level will unlock additional routes.

Materials must be collected in the specific order the Launch Pad menu requires. Only one type of material can be requested until the player has the needed amount. Besides building materials, the player must collect 100 cans of Rocket Fuel to complete the starting level.

Collecting from Space Buildings provides the Rocket Fuel for the Launch Pad. Later missions can require either Star Fuel or Sun Fuel. These are obtained from missions or from buildings awarded for route Mastery. The Space Age Cottage can be purchased and gives a small chance of dropping either one.

Selling this building moves it into your inventory.

Launch Pad Levels[]

Image Level Building Materials
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6
Launch Pad Shuttle-SW Level 2 Shuttle Plans-viral
4x Shuttle Plans
Space Compass-viral
6x Space Compass
Space Boots-viral
8x Space Boots
Rocket Jets-viral
10x Rocket Jets
Space Map-viral
12x Space Map
Space Suit-viral
14x Space Suit x14
Reward Coins-icon 10,000 Coins, Energy-icon 10 Energy, Reputation-doober 100 Reputation, XP-icon 100 XP, Goods-icon 1,000 Goods
Launch Pad Shuttle L2-SW Level 3
Advanced Shuttle Plans-viral
12x Advanced Shuttle Plans
Moon Dust-viral
15x Moon Dust
Mars Dust-viral
15x Mars Dust
Star Fuel-icon
100x Star Fuel
Reward Coins-icon 10,000 Coins, XP-icon 50 XP
Launch Pad Shuttle L3-SW Level 4
Solar Shuttle Plans
15x Solar Shuttle Plans
Sun Shades-viral
15x Sun Shades
Jupiter Dust-viral
15x Jupiter Dust
Saturn Dust-viral
15x Saturn Dust
Sun Fuel-icon
100x Sun Fuel
Reward Coins-icon 10,000 Coins, XP-icon 50 XP

Upgrade Space Shuttle

Upgrading Using Cash[]

  • Level 2: Cash-icon 216 Cash or Cash-icon 172 Cash (save 20%)
  • Level 3: Cash-icon 568 Cash or Cash-icon 454 Cash (save 20%)
  • Level 4: Cash-icon 640 Cash or Cash-icon 512 Cash (save 20%)


Route Level Required Mission Time Fuel Required
Moon Level 1 10 Minutes Rocket Fuel-icon 5 Rocket Fuel
Mars Level 1 31 Minutes Rocket Fuel-icon 15 Rocket Fuel
Jupiter Level 2 1 Hour Star Fuel-icon 10 Star Fuel
Saturn Level 2 2 HOurs Star Fuel-icon 25 Star Fuel
Sun Level 3 8 Hours Sun Fuel-icon 25 Sun Fuel

Collecting Bonuses[]

85%Coins-icon 400 Coins
8%Coins-icon 400 Coins
Coins-icon 100 Coins
5%Coins-icon 400 Coins
Coins-icon 200 Coins
2%Coins-icon 800 Coins
50%XP-icon 1 XP
50%XP-icon 2 XP
30%Energy-icon 1 Energy
10%Energy-icon 1 Energy
2%Energy-icon 1 Energy



Zynga's Guide to the Space Shuttle and Launching It
