CityVille Wiki
CityVille Wiki
Making Headlines!
Making Headlines!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 30
Mission fromSamantha 2-icon Sam
Collect community bldg iconCollect from 10 Skyrise Residences
(Cash-icon 30 Cash)
Collect from businesses 03Collect from 30 Level 3 Bakery, Burger Joint, or Flower Kiosk
(Cash-icon 30 Cash)
Collect community bldg iconCollect from 3 City Sam Offices
(Cash-icon 90 Cash)
ItemSam's Downtown Studio-icon Sam's Downtown Studio
Goal Completion
DescriptionIt's easy to report the news here because there are so many great places and events to share with people!
Breaking News!-icon Breaking News! Making Headlines!-icon Making Headlines! A Whole New World!-icon A Whole New World!

Making Headlines! is a Downtown, Lakefront, Alps, and normal City goal in CityVille. It is the second goal of Act 3: Part 3 of the Welcome The World!-icon Welcome The World! Saga.

Sam Says: My site has become really popular around your city and it's made living here even more fun than before!

Announce international comic 03c


Feed international comic 03c City is welcoming the world to their city!

Player is so glad their city is filled with international attractions and businesses. Mostly because it allows them to brush up on 14 different languages each day.
