CityVille Wiki
Meet The Meteors!
Meet The Meteors!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 15
Release DateJune 6, 2013
DescriptionThe kids are having so much fun on their new playground!With the Meteor Observing Station we can better observer space...WITH SCIENCE!
Mission fromMax 2-icon Max
MeteorObservingStation questiconPlace Meteor Observing Station in your city
Material meteorshower telescope 64x64Ask friends for 10 Telescopes
(Cash-icon 30 Cash)
MeteorObservingStation questiconlvupUpgrade Meteor Observing Station to level 2
XPXP-icon 70 XP
EnergyEnergy-icon 7 Energy
ItemBonus Crew-icon Bonus Crew
Goal Completion
DescriptionObserving space with telescopes is great, but let's take the next step, and explore it ourselves!
Coins ShareCoins-icon 50 Coins
Shower Time!-icon Shower Time! Meet The Meteors!-icon Meet The Meteors!

Meet The Meteors! is a Downtown, Lakefront, Alps, and normal City goal in CityVille.

Max says: "The meteor shower has inspired your citizens to explore the stars! Let's go!"


MeteorShower feed200 City is watching the skies!

After the last meteor shower, Player has gotten interested in astronomy! Telescopes for all!
