CityVille Wiki
Meteor Science!
Meteor Science!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 15
Release DateJune 29, 2013
DescriptionWith the Institute placed, Resarchers will appear all over your city looking for Meteorites!
Mission fromMax 2-icon Max
Icon building Meteorite InstitutePlace the Meteorite Institute
Icon upgrade Meteorite InstituteUpgrade your Meteorite Institute to Level 2
Meteor Science!-iconLook for Researchers and find 10 Meteorites
(Cash-icon 40 Cash)
EnergyEnergy-icon 5 Energy
Premium GoodsPremium Goods-icon 150 Premium Goods
Goal Completion
DescriptionYour Metorite Institute is operating at peak efficancy! Keep watching the skies!
Coins ShareCoins-icon 50 Coins

Meteor Science! is a Downtown, Lakefront, Alps, and normal City goal in CityVille.

Max says: "The recent meteor shower in your city is attracting researchers from all over the world! Let's help!"

Task 3: The Researcher(s) will be walking around your main City, Downtown, Lakefront, and/or Alps.


Feed SpanishExpansion 200x200 City has build a Meteorite Institute!

Player wanted to build an Asteroid Institute, but since it's on the ground, it's a meteorite!
