CityVille Wiki
Nature And Nurture
Nature And Nurture-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 15
Release DateMay 9, 2014
DescriptionYour cities architects and landscapers have created some beautiful building plans!
Mission fromSamantha 2-icon Sam
Pamper Palace Level 2-iconUpgrade Pamper Palace to Level 2
Grow population iconExpand Population by 3,000
(Cash-icon 150 Cash)
Viral mothersday hugs 64x64Ask friends for 15 Hugs!
(Cash-icon 45 Cash)
Premium GoodsPremium Goods-icon 1,000 Premium Goods
ItemZoning Permit-doober 5 Zoning Permits
Goal Completion
DescriptionYou nurtured nature, and the result is breathtaking!
Coins ShareCoins-icon 50 Coins
Arranging A Gift-icon Arranging A Gift Nature And Nurture-icon Nature And Nurture A High Tea-icon A High Tea

Timed Goal-icon Nature And Nurture is a timed game-wide goal in CityVille. Player's have until May 21, 2014 to complete the questline.

Sam says: "Our Pamper Palace is still in its infancy, let's nurture it to it's full potential!"


Motherday feed The Pamper Palace is growing up!

Under the loving care of Player, Pamper Palace is a beautiful haven.
