Neighborhoods are housing storage available in CityVille. Fully upgraded Neighborhoods can store up to 15 residences at once. The amount of energy spent collecting from a Neighborhood equals the current number of houses stored in the Neighborhood (15 houses equals 15 energy needed). The rent can only be collected when ALL housing in the Neighborhood are ready; for example in the Palm Towers, a Beach Hut is ready for rent collection in 5 minutes but a Coastal House is not ready until 2.1 days, so you can collect from this neighborhood every 2.1 days. This building feature works similarly to the Mall. Collecting from Neighborhoods will count towards home collection quest requirements only for generic houses (it will not count when specific house are required to collect ex collect tot terraced brownstones) .
You'll save space by combining your residences and increase population density at the cost of having to use 15 energy to collect from them.
You can find the new neighborhoods in the Build Menu under the Residences -> Neighborhoods tab. You will be able to see which theme is associated with each neighborhood, as well as how many residences of that type are currently in your city.
Each Neighborhood is 8x8 in size, except for the Family Complex and Harmony Heights which are 5x5.
Each Neighborhood costs 6 energy to build.
Each Neighborhood can hold up to 15 houses.
Each Neighborhood has three blocks and each block can hold 5 houses.
After buying and placing your neighborhood, the first two blocks are automatically staffed (by Samantha) but you must ask your neighbors to staff the remainder. When you unlock Block 2, you also get one free staff (also staffed by Sam).
Payout Bonuses[]
When collecting rent from neighborhoods, Block 1 gives a 5% payout bonus, Block 2 gives a 10% bonus, and Block 3 gives a 15% bonus. There are also chances for collectibles and Bonus Population trucks to drop.