CityVille Wiki
New Halloween Is Coming!
New Halloween Is Coming!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 15
Release DateOctober 22-November 5, 2014
DescriptionOne year passed so fast. Now halloween is coming again. We would celebrate halloween and hold lots of events in our main city, and even in underwater city.
Mission fromHalloween Sam-icon Halloween Sam
Underwater Sam-icon Underwater Sam
Act 1: Zombie Party!
Act 2: Trick Of Ghost!
Act 3: Underwater Halloween!
ItemTwins Pumpkin Towers-icon Twins Pumpkin Towers
Goal Completion
DescriptionWhat a crowd city! You did a great job! All of your citizens are celebrating the halloween in both main city and underwater city!
XP ShareXP-icon 100 XP
Goods ShareGoods-icon 200 Goods

Timed Goal-icon New Halloween Is Coming! is a game-wide goal in CityVille that requires the completion of 9 goals to earn the Grand Prize of the Twins Pumpkin Towers. All goals may be completed in any order once made available. Players have until December 10, 2014 to complete the Saga.

Completing Act 1-3 will reward Goods-icon 200 Goods to 5 other players via the Wall Post. Likewise, completing the Saga will reward XP-icon 100 XP.

Act 1: Zombie Party![]

Reward: Monastery Of Terror
Monastery Of Terror-icon
Party Time-icon Party Time Concert Show Time-icon Concert Show Time No Bar No Party-icon No Bar No Party
XP-icon 250 XP
Goods-icon 4,000 Goods
XP-icon 300 XP
Energy-icon 15 Energy
Coins-icon 150,000 Coins
Bonus Crew-icon 5x Bonus Crew
Time to celebrate the new halloween now.
— Act 1 Completion

Act 1 Completion Share[]

Act1feed Player is holding halloween parties.

Player had built Zombie Concert Hall and Zombie Bar for all zombies and other monsters!

Act 2: Trick Of Ghost![]

Reward: Witch's Candy Cart
Witch's Candy Cart-icon
Trick Of Ghosts-icon Trick Of Ghosts Ghost Hunting-icon Ghost Hunting Ghost Party-icon Ghost Party
XP-icon 250 XP
Goods-icon 4,000 Goods
XP-icon 300 XP
Energy-icon 15 Energy
Coins-icon 150,000 Coins
Bonus Crew-icon 5x Bonus Crew
We did lots of work to calm those tricky ghosts down. They would make any big trouble again, at least during this Halloween.
— Act 2 Completion

Act 2 Completion Share[]

Act1feed City ended the trick of ghosts!

City resolved the robbery case of ghosts. And there is a beautiful gift as reward!

Act 3: Underwater Halloween![]

Reward: Headless Horseman Bubble
Headless Horseman Bubble-icon
Tragedy Of Monsters-icon Tragedy Of Monsters Celebrate Together-icon Celebrate Together Where Is My Pumpkin-icon Where Is My Pumpkin
XP-icon 350 XP
Energy-icon 15 Energy
Zoning Permit-icon 7x Zoning Permits
Energy-icon 30 Energy
Bonus Crew-icon 5x Bonus Crew
Goods-icon 5,000 Goods
You made it! Halloween should be in every city!
— Act 3 Completion

Act 3 Completion Share[]

Act1feed City has held the Halloween party successfully!

City's citizens are celebrating the first Halloween in underwater city!

Grand Prize[]

Reward: Twins Pumpkin Towers
Twins Pumpkin Towers-icon

Completion Share[]

Act1feed City completed all challenges of halloween 2014!

City achieved a grand success and got lots of rare reward buildings!
