CityVille Wiki
Outdoor Lounge
Outdoor Lounge-icon
Image © Zynga
Reward forSpin The Wheel!-icon Spin The Wheel!
Deal Me In!-icon Deal Me In!
Roll The Dice!-icon Roll The Dice!
RequirementsXP-icon Level 15
CostCash-icon 20 Cash
ConstructionEnergy-icon 2 Energy
SuppliesGoods-icon 230 Goods
EarningsCoins-icon 1,308 Coins
EfficiencyCoins-icon 5.683 Coins per Goods-icon Good
CollectionEncore Amphitheater

The Outdoor Lounge is a 3x3 business in CityVille.

It costs Cash-icon 20 Cash to buy and Energy-icon 2 Energy to build. Supplying it consumes Goods-icon 230 Goods. Collecting from it earns Coins-icon 1,308 Coins.

It is also a possible reward from the Spin The Wheel!, Deal Me In!, and Roll The Dice!.

Possible Item Drops[]

The Outdoor Lounge-icon Outdoor Lounge has an efficiency of 5.683 coins per good.

Direction SW Direction SE
Outdoor Lounge-SW Outdoor Lounge-SE