CityVille Wiki
See also: Pier and Pier 2
Pier 4
Pier 4-icon
Image © Zynga
Stores:Goods-icon 2,500 Goods
Pier 3-icon Pier 3 Pier 4-icon Pier 4

The Pier 4 is an upgrade of the Pier 3 storage building. It is 4x4 and stores Goods-icon 2,500 Goods. This upgrade is identical appearance/dock length to the previous one.

At this level, the Renaissance Arts route is unlocked.

An update on July 25, 2013 made it possible to upgrade the pier to this level, as part of the Renaissance Artworks-icon Renaissance Artworks Goal.


Upgrade Pier Now!: Cash-icon 360 Cash to skip

Have Level 2 Pier Materials[]

To complete the Pier 4, the following materials are needed:

Buy all: Cash-icon 340 Cash

Other Requirements[]

Note: It currently states "Have 4 Freighters" ingame, but only 3 are required
  • Unload Freighter Harvest 45 Ships* or Freighters on this Pier.

*Ships include: any Boat, Dragon Boat, or Brazilian Barge.
