CityVille Wiki
Pin Number
Pin Number-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 20
Release DateAugust 4, 2012
DescriptionI can't believe how many Pins you've found thus far! Upgrade your Mascot House so you can find even more!
Mission fromCoach Jack 2-icon Coach Jack
Cvg pigeon0 iconUpgrade Mascot House to Level 4
Supply businessSupply CityVille Souvenirs 10 Times
(Cash-icon 40 Cash)
Rose Flower Pin-iconFinish the Flower Pin Collection
(Cash-icon 60 Cash)
CoinsCoins-icon 1,000,000 Coins
Goal Completion
DescriptionCongrats on beating the Mascots at their own game! Hats off to you! Or should I say..heads off to you?!
Welcome Mat (Goal)-icon Welcome Mat (Goal) Pin Number-icon Pin Number

Pin Number is a goal in CityVille.

Coach Jack says: "Let's keep hunting for Mascots so you can complete all the Pin collections and win the grand prize! Let's go!"


Feed CVGpincollecting City is on pins and needles looking for CityVille Games Pins!

Player played games all day with the Mascots. Which marked the first time in history that someone played pin the tail on the donkey with a person dressed as a donkey.
