CityVille Wiki
Prepare for Takeoff!
Prepare for Takeoff!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 32
DescriptionTraveling with your friends is going to be fun! Especially since it will help you earn more XP than ever before!
Mission fromTasha
Airport0 iconComplete the Vacation Terminal of your Airport
Vacation plane0 iconHarvest 5 Vacation Planes
(Cash-icon 40 Cash)
Request friends join crew iconJoin 10 friends on their Vacation flights
(Cash-icon 50 Cash)
ItemAirport Shuttle
Goal Completion
DescriptionI hope you've packed everything you need! You can never be too careful! I usually bring everything I own!
Prepare for Takeoff!-icon Prepare for Takeoff! Buddy System-icon Buddy System

Prepare for Takeoff! is a goal in CityVille.

Tasha says: "Now that you have an airport, let's build a Vacation Terminal so you can travel the globe with all of your friends!"

Announce stumpfordfamairplane 451

Stumpfordairplane feed City is floating on air with its new Vacation Terminal!

Player forgot that they couldn't bring liquids on the plane. Well, so much for that idea of traveling with a 20 gallon aquarium filled with clown fish.
