CityVille Wiki
Pumpkin Castle
Pumpkin Castle-icon
Image © Zynga
Requirement:XP-icon Level 10
Cost:Cash-icon 100 Cash
Construction:Energy-icon 0 Energy
Level 1
Rent:Coins-icon 20 Coins every 24 hours
Min Pop:Population-icon 2,100 Population
Max Pop:Population-icon 4,100 Population
Ghost Pop:Ghost Population 1,353 Ghost Population
Population Upgrades
Upgrades:Extra large moving truck 60 Bonus Population
Level 2
Materials:Magic Fertilizer-icon 3 Magic Fertilizers
Buy All:Cash-icon 48 Cash
Min Pop:Population-icon 2,230 Population
Max Pop:Population-icon 4,350 Population
Ghost Pop:Ghost Population 1,436 Ghost Population
Rent:Coins-icon 30 Coins every 24 hours
Upgrades:Extra large moving truck 60 Bonus Population
Level 3
Materials:9 Magic Fertilizer
Min Pop:Population-icon 2,500 Population
Max Pop:Population-icon 4,500 Population
Ghost Pop:Ghost Population 1,485 Ghost Population
Rent:Coins-icon 40 Coins every 24 hours
Upgrades:Extra large moving truck 60 Bonus Population
Level 4
Materials:18 Magic Fertilizer
Min Pop:Population-icon 2,700 Population
Max Pop:Population-icon 4,900 Population
Ghost Pop:Ghost Population 1,617 Ghost Population
Rent:Coins-icon 50 Coins every 24 hours
Upgrades:Extra large moving truck 60 Bonus Population
Level 5
Materials:27 Magic Fertilizer
Min Pop:Population-icon 3,200 Population
Max Pop:Population-icon 5,900 Population
Ghost Pop:Ghost Population 1,947 Ghost Population
Rent:Coins-icon 60 Coins every 24 hours
Upgrades:Extra large moving truck 60 Bonus Population
Level 6
Materials:45 Magic Fertilizer
Min Pop:Population-icon 4,500 Population
Max Pop:Population-icon 7,800 Population
Ghost Pop:Ghost Population 2,574 Ghost Population
Rent:Coins-icon 100 Coins every 24 hours
Upgrades:Extra large moving truck 60 Bonus Population

The Pumpkin Castle is a 4x4 upgradeable Halloween and Pumpkin Patch residence in CityVille.

It costs Coins-icon 500,000 Coins to buy and takes Energy-icon 0 Energy to build. Once built, it increases your city's population by Population-icon 250 Population and Ghost Population 149 Ghost Population. Rent can be collected every 24 hours and earns Coins-icon 20 Coins (Level 1). Each level afterwards will increase the rent earned by 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, and 5 times its original value, respectively. Eg: A Level 6-7 Pumpkin Castle will earn at least Coins-icon 100 Coins

Upgrading this requires 2 different items to be collected and combined into a third item to complete each level. All of the items will be the same for each level. The amount of each item will increase for each level. Each level will increase the population's minimum and maximum amount, and the Ghost population.

Required Items[]

Level Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Level 2 Blue Fertilizer-viral 9 Blue Fertilizers Witch Potion-icon 6 Witch Potions Magic Fertilizer-icon 3 Magic Fertilizers
Level 3 27 Blue Fertilizers 18 Witch Potions 9 Magic Fertilizers
Level 4 54 Blue Fertilizers 36 Witch Potions 18 Magic Fertilizers
Level 5 81 Blue Fertilizers 54 Witch Potions 27 Magic Fertilizers
Level 6 135 Blue Fertilizers 90 Witch Potions 45 Magic Fertilizers
Total Blue Fertilizers Witch Potions 102 Magic Fertilizers

Final Rewards[]

Once the Pumpkin Castle has been fully built, or the 7 days has passed, you will have the possibility of being rewarded one of the following based on the level:

Level Item Goods Coins
1 Zoning Permit-doober 1x Zoning Permit Goods-icon 100 Goods Coins-icon 5,000 Coins
2 Zoning Permit-doober 2x Zoning Permit Goods-icon 200 Goods Coins-icon 10,000 Coins
3 Zoning Permit-doober 3x Zoning Permit Goods-icon 300 Goods Coins-icon 20,000 Coins
4 Zoning Permit-doober 4x Zoning Permit Goods-icon 400 Goods Coins-icon 50,000 Coins
5 Zoning Permit-doober 5x Zoning Permit Goods-icon 500 Goods Coins-icon 100,000 Coins
6 Zoning Permit-doober 6x Zoning Permit Goods-icon 1,000 Goods Coins-icon 200,000 Coins
7 Zoning Permit-doober 7x Zoning Permit Goods-icon 1,500 Goods Coins-icon 500,000 Coins
8 Zoning Permit-doober 8x Zoning Permit Goods-icon 2,000 Goods Coins-icon 600,000 Coins
9 Cat Jack-O-Lantern-icon Cat Jack-O-Lantern Goods-icon 4,000 Goods Coins-icon 800,000 Coins
10 Sam Jack-O-Lantern-icon Sam Jack-O-Lantern Goods-icon 5,000 Goods Coins-icon 1,000,000 Coins

Note: You can earn any reward up to and including the level of the Pumpkin Castle. Having a fully built Pumpkin Castle will allow you to possibly earn up to the tenth level.

Collecting Bonuses[]

85%Coins-icon 20 Coins
8%Coins-icon 20 Coins
Coins-icon 5 Coins
5%Coins-icon 20 Coins
Coins-icon 10 Coins
2%Coins-icon 20 Coins
Coins-icon 20 Coins
85%XP-icon 1 XP
15%2XP-icon 2 XP
10%Energy-icon 1 Energy
40%Population-icon 8 Population
30%Population-icon 7 Population
20%Population-icon 6 Population
15%Population-icon 5 Population
12%Population-icon 4 Population
8%Population-icon 3 Population
5%Population-icon 0-2 Population

The CoinTable shown above is for a Level 1 Pumpkin Castle. Use the multiplier values mentioned earlier to determine the amounts for the other values

All Directions
Pumpkin Castle-SW