CityVille Wiki
CityVille Wiki
Rest On Your Laurels!
Rest On Your Laurels!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 30
Release DateAugust 12, 2012
DescriptionYou and your city accomplished a lot in the CityVille Games! For once, it's okay to rest on your laurels!
Mission fromSamantha 2-icon Sam
Viral sagaact2 laurels 64x64Ask for 15 Laurels
(Cash-icon 45 Cash)
Mascot House L2Upgrade your Mascot House to Level 2
(Cash-icon 50 Cash)
Grow population iconIncrease Population by 2000
(Cash-icon 20 Cash)
XPXP-icon 250 XP
ItemZoning Permit-doober 3x Zoning Permits
Goal Completion
DescriptionOne of my favorite moments tonight was when the athletes were crowned with their laurel wreaths!
Rest On Your Laurels!-icon Rest On Your Laurels! A Token Of Thanks-icon A Token Of Thanks

Rest On Your Laurels! is one of the Downtown and normal city goals in CityVille. It is the first goal of Act 2: Part 3 of the Put Your City On The Map!-icon Put Your City On The Map! Saga.

Sam says: "The CityVille Games have been a huge success! So let's thank the world for watching with a memorable Closing Ceremony!"


Feed cvg medals City is celebrating at the CityVille Games Closing Ceremony!

Player can't believe that the CityVille Games are already over. Now they'll have to wait four more years to watch fencing on television.
