CityVille Wiki
Restaurant in a Tree
Restaurant in a Tree-icon
Image © Zynga
Reward forNational Park Office-icon National Park Office
CostCash-icon 40 Cash
Sell forCoins-icon 15,000 Coins
ConstructionEnergy-icon 9 Energy
SuppliesGoods-icon 330 Goods
EarningsCoins-icon 1,759 Coins
EfficiencyCoins-icon 5.33 Coins per Goods-icon Good

The Restaurant in a Tree is a 4x4 business in CityVille.

It costs Cash-icon 40 Cash or can be created at the National Park Office from a Mystery Building. It takes Energy-icon 9 Energy to Build. Supplying it consumes Goods-icon 330 Goods and collecting from it earns Coins-icon 1,759 Coins.

The Restaurant in a Tree-icon Restaurant in a Tree has an efficiency of 5.33 coins per good.

Direction SW Direction SE
Restaurant in a Tree-SW Restaurant in a Tree-SE