CityVille Wiki
CityVille Wiki
Run a Tight Ship!
Run a Tight Ship!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 50
Release DateJuly 28, 2012
DescriptionIn order to upgrade your Wonder, you're going to need to collect from Paris or Sydney Shipping Routes!
Mission fromSamantha 2-icon Sam
Make Your City Wonder-ful!-iconUpgrade a Wonder to Level 3
(Cash-icon 100 Cash)
Collect cruise ships iconCollect from 25 Paris or Sydney Shipping Routes
(Cash-icon 100 Cash)
Harvest cropsHarvest 50 Sun Flowers
(Cash-icon 50 Cash)
CoinsCoins-icon 100,000 Coins
EnergyEnergy-icon 3 Energy
Goal Completion
DescriptionCongratulations! Your upgraded Wonder really looks fantastic! You really are working wonders!
A Tour De Force!-icon A Tour De Force! Run a Tight Ship!-icon Run a Tight Ship! You're In Business!-icon You're In Business!

Timed Goal-icon Run a Tight Ship! is a goal in CityVille. Players have 4 days to complete this goal starting from July 28.

Sam says: "Your Wonder is doing big business so far! Let's upgrade it so you can get even bigger bonuses! Come on!"


Deco observation point burst viral City is turning itself into a Wonderland!

Player is trying to get into better shape so they decided to take the stairs to the top of the Wonder. They then took the elevator to the nurse's office.
