CityVille Wiki
Sailboat Pier
Sailboat Pier-icon
Image © Zynga
Requirement:Do Rock The Boat!-icon Do Rock The Boat!
Construction:Energy-icon 10 Energy
Stores:Goods-icon 420 Goods

The Sailboat Pier is unlocked by starting the goal Do Rock The Boat!-icon Do Rock The Boat! The Pier adds an extra 420 goods storage.

The building has to be built along the coast or in the water, and can only be in the main world. This pier is designed to to control the Honeymoon Sailboat's destination.

Completion requires:
Sail Fabric-viral 6x Sail Fabric
Mast Rigging-viral 8x Mast Rigging
Anchor Chain-viral 10x Anchor Chain
Do Not Disturb Sign-viral 12x Do Not Disturb Sign
Hull Frame-viral 14x Hull Frame
Cabin Light-viral 16x Cabin Light

100 Peach Bubbly-icon Peach Bubbly is required.

Completion of the pier rewards the user with
100,000 Coins-icon Coins
15 Energy-icon Energy,
10Zoning Permit-doober Zoning Permit,
100XP-icon XP
2,000Goods-icon Goods
Removal sends it to inventory.
