CityVille Wiki
Span The Globe!
Span The Globe!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 20
Release DateFebruary 11, 2013
DescriptionEvery world traveler needs their very own World Globe. Let's go ask your friends for some!
Mission fromSamantha 2-icon Sam
Expand city iconExpand out to the World Traveler's Abode
Viral internationalQ12013 WorldGlobe 64Ask friends for 22 World Globes
(Cash-icon 66 Cash)
Grow population iconIncrease your World Traveler Population by 20,000
(Cash-icon 400 Cash)
CoinsCoins-icon 250,000 Coins
ItemBonus Crew-icon 3x Bonus Crew
Goal Completion
DescriptionWith the addition of Asia and Oceania, your city no longer has a continental divide!
Coins ShareCoins-icon 50 Coins
Counting Sheep!-icon Counting Sheep! Span The Globe!-icon Span The Globe!

Timed Goal-icon Span The Globe! is one of the Downtown, Lakefront and normal City goals in CityVille. It is the third goal of Act 3 of the Discover The World-icon Discover The World Saga. Players have 67 days to complete the Saga.

Sam says: "Now that you've proven yourself to be quite the world traveler, let's expand out to the World Traveler's Abode!"


Res int world travel feed City is exploring the world!

Player has become an expert on every continent on the planet. Well, I guess it's time to start visiting other planets now.
